
The articles below were written by others, and contain my quotes and contributions.

Sideloading attacks explained: How a malicious app can bring down a business

Published 2021-12-02 | CSO Article | Wayback Archive

“The problem with this type of attack is that there is really no limit to the type of malware an attacker can install,” says Acronis cybersecurity analyst Topher Tebow.

Emails should be scanned to prevent malicious content from reaching victims and a full cyber protection suite should be used to detect and block ransomware and other malware and monitor the flow of data in and out of the network, with a proven and protected backup solution to restore data in the event it is lost, adds Tebow. “A zero-trust policy should also be in place,” he says. “This can prevent users from being able to install software from unauthorized locations and restricts each user’s access to resources across the network to only that which is necessary for their job.”

11 cybersecurity buzzwords you should stop using right now

Published 2021-11-02 | CSO Article | Wayback Archive

Acronis cybersecurity analyst Topher Tebow says serious thought needs to be put into how the term hacker is used in today’s landscape, and while it does not necessarily need to be eradicated entirely, incorrect usage of it does.

The Best Password Managers, According to Security Experts

Published 2021-08-27 | The Strategist Article | Wayback Archive

Cybersecurity experts were interviewed to discuss the importance of password managers, and build a list of the best password managers.

The Lesson to Learn From Apple’s Tool to Flag Child Sex Abuse

Published 2021-08-11 | New York Times Article | Wayback Archive

With Apple implementing a new scanning tool to catch child abuse images, privacy is bringing brought into question. Many are considering alternatives for file backups and should be considering a hybrid backup solution.

Attending #BHUSA 2021: The cybersecurity experts’ view

Published 2021-08-05 | Acronis Article | Wayback Archive

As Diamond sponsors for the Black Hat 2021 conference, Acronis sent Acronis’ VP of Cyber Protection Research Candid Wuest and Cybersecurity Analyst Topher Tebow to attend sessions, answer questions, and gather as many insights as possible.

What Does It Take To Be a Cybersecurity Researcher?

Published 2021-04-12 | The Hacker News Article | Wayback Archive

The Hacker News interviewed cybersecurity experts from around the world to see what makes them tick.

ASIC Cyber Attack Linked to RBNZ Breach

Published 2021-01-26 | The Australian Article (requires subscription)

Cybersecurity is always about finding a balance between having sufficient protection suited for your threat landscape, and being able to operate and do business freely, without restrictions.

ASIC Cyber Attack Linked to RBNZ Breach

Published 2021-01-26 | Daily Telegraph Article (requires subscription)

Based on the information on hand, this appears to be a vulnerability in a file transfer system (like Dropbox or similar), likely a third-party vulnerability in systems that the organization didn’t have direct access to audit.

ASIC sic’d by sickening cyber security incident

Published 2021-01-26 | ITWire Article | Wayback Archive

With a warning going out just recently, it is unlikely that much more could have been done to avoid this breach. However, changes to the monitoring within the organisation could have alerted ASIC sooner, while more regular pentesting could have made them aware of the weakness – but considering those measures take a certain level of expertise to be done properly, this breach could have happened despite taking additional measures.

Acronis Cyber Readiness Report: Pandemic reveals cybersecurity gaps, need for new solutions

Published 2020-09-09 | Acronis Article | Report | Wayback Archive (Article) | Wayback Archive (Report)

As businesses around the world reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic, many had to address new risks to their infrastructure, endpoints, and mission-critical data. The shift to remote work alone introduced a range of new challenges – from closing security gaps with new technology to educating now-remote employees to avoid phishing attacks to strengthening the protection of third-party apps needed to work from home.
Acronis post by Peter Hale

VMBlog Expert Interview: Topher Tebow of Acronis Reveals Findings from their 2020 MSP Cybersecurity Readiness Survey

Published 2020-06-09 | VMBlog Article | Wayback Archive

Are MSP’s ready for the inevitable disaster? Acronis surveyed MSPs across the U.S. and Europe to find out, and to find ways to help MSPs protect themselves from the unknown.
VMBlog post by David Marshall

Coronavirus crisis: Online church services attacked by hackers using child pornography

Published 2020-05-16 | Fox News Article | Wayback Archive

In the age of online meetings, we are seeing an increasing number of attacks on vulnerable groups, like churches and schools. We need to be more vigilant than ever to protect ourselves, and each other.
Fox News post by Hollie McKay

Expert Advice During World Password Day 2020

Published 2020-05-07 | VMblog Article | Wayback Archive

A dive into the usefulness of passwords, on World Password Day. With so many authentication options available now, are passwords still the best way to secure our accounts and secure systems?
VMblog post by David Marshall

7 Steps to Web App Security

Published 2019-09-03 | Dark Reading Article | Wayback Archive

Emerging technologies are introducing entirely new ways to reach, act, and interact with people. That makes app security more important than ever.
Dark Reading post by Steve Zurier.