Ransomware is Dead, Long Live Ransomware

Over the past year or so, ransomware gangs have been changing up their game. The focus has been largely moving away from classic ransomware tactics, as they have found new ways to extort money from their victims. The days of a flashy notice in your web browser, or desktop image, seem to be a thing… Continue reading Ransomware is Dead, Long Live Ransomware

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WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities Causing Malicious Redirects

Last week I began tracking malicious redirects affecting multiple WordPress plugins. I have been reviewing the situation over the weekend, and the malicious code does not appear to be related to any of the affected plugins. What seems to be happening in this case is that an adversary is exploiting vulnerabilities in plugins to inject… Continue reading WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities Causing Malicious Redirects

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The Rise of Magecart

As big as the Equifax breach was last year, 2018 really appears to be the year of the breach. It seems we can’t go more than a week or two without hearing about another breach. We have seen breaches every where from Panera Bread, to Facebook, and Ticketfly to British Airways. According to Softpedia, there have been over 4.5 billion records stolen within the first 6 months of this year alone.

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CactusCon 2018

This weekend, I attended our local hacker conference in Phoenix, CactusCon. While this might not be one of the big ones, it is really starting to grow. The organizers expected around 1,000 attendees this year, but ended up with final numbers around 2,200, with about 350 of those being kids.

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How Secure Are We, Really?

This past weekend I attended DEF CON 26. I’ve been following DEF CON for years, but this was my first time attending DEF CON, and it was a generally great experience. As I’ll get into, this year was definitely not without its problems, but I’m glad I went, and I plan to return. A lot of people came together to get me there this year, and I couldn’t be more grateful that they did.

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